Available courses

Creation Therapy teaches accountability for each individual's actions and helps the student understand who God created him or her to be. Our primary goal is to help understand the mysteries of God's wonderful creation of the human race. It teaches how His wonderful plan, for us as individuals, works and how it can cause every person to be happy and fulfilled during this life. It will aid you in developing and maintaining relationships with others, especially with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Terapia de la Creación le enseña a los individuos, responsabilidad por sus propias acciones y ayuda al estudiante a comprender a ser como Dios lo planeo en la creación. Nuestra meta principal es ayudar a que pueda entender los misterios de la maravillosa creación de Dios de la raza humana. Le enseñara como Su maravilloso plan, para nosotros como individuos, obra y como puede causar que cada persona sea feliz y completa durante esta vida. Le ayudará a desarrollar y mantener relaciones con los demás, especialmente con el Señor Jesucristo.

This course will cover an overview of the "Big Eight" types of secular counseling/therapeutic methods. In addition, the student will be taught the difference between Christian and secular counseling, goals, techniques, and several other important topics. 

This course will teach the student with an in-depth background of the theory of temperament and provide with the scientific and biblical basis for this theory. This course also reviews the five temperaments and their behavioral patterns.

During this course the student will learn the code of Ethical Standards observed by the National Christian Counselors Association and the National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists. This course also requires the completion of 50 ethical questions required by NCCA.

This course will teach the student how to apply the theory of temperament in a clinical setting.

This course will introduce the student to the different tests used by NCCA.

This course will teach the student about the definition, theory and practice of biblically based Christian Psychology and counseling and how this relates to NCCA’s counseling model.

This course will teach the student specific information regarding stress, anger, and guilt with the emphasis on the need to develop family relationships.

This course will teach the student the case studies used by NCCA to further study testing instruments.

This course will provide the student with specialized training regarding codependency which incorporates the counseling taught by NCCA. 

This course will provide the student with a study of temperaments and how they can act and interact in a counseling setting

This course will teach the student about the definition, theory and practice of biblically based Christian Psychology and counseling and how this relates to NCCA’s counseling model.